Unwanted programs and malware

I know its been a few weeks since I have posted any content but I have been in a job transition and learning a new computer environment. I am now seeing a trend I have not seen in a while. While free software/games are not always free they tend to be bundled with ad-ware or malware. Time and time again I see antivirus this does not pick up on these programs as they are considered legit since they were installed by users and not a drive by download. With free games usually comes (malware) so stick to those games on your ipad or those built into windows. If you happen to pick up malware you can head over to my tools page or head over to bleepingcomputer.com. Their website has new content as to how to get rid of those specific pesky programs such a WAJAM or DoSearches.com. Their website great for a beginner who does not understand the computer lingo but knows they have a infection. On a quick separate note, this is your reminder to backup you files. I have seen another infection of cryptowall 2.0 in the last 2 weeks in addition to a computer who has a failed hard drive. I am so glad you took my advice Nicole! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have been infected or need my assistance. I am always here to help.