Useful website you should bookmark

I ran across a few websites that I have found both useful and entertaining so I thought I would share them. The first is a website for you test your password strength. (Don’t worry they don’t record your password) but you can simply type you password into their webpage and their algorithms will determine how long it would take a hacker to crack your password. Here is their website
Other websites that have deemed useful is isitdownrightnow. Their website checks on your favorite email, social media, and shopping services to see if their experiencing a outage.
Another one I have found very useful is Their website always has useful information as well as malware/spyware removal tools available. I tend to read their posts to stay current on ransomware/malware security trends that others in the field are experiencing.
If you know of any other useful websites that I should post please don’t hesitate to contact me, I would like to hear from you.